
 "Hoy ianao", "Ialahy", "Ento aty", "Tsy rariny", "Ity tanako", "Mitomany", il y a tellement de chansons que Nono a chantées, que tout le Madagascar chante toujours et encore, et qu'on chante ailleurs dans le monde entier.


Auteur, compositeur, chanteur et musicien de jazz multi-instrumentiste, Nono Roland Rakotondrainibe a grandi à Madagascar. Joueur de saxo, guitare et piano depuis le lycée, il n'a cessé d'éprouver son talent de compositeur, auteur et musicien. Son parcours musical est jalonné par de nombreux concerts à Madagascar et en France. Il chante l'amour, la mort, la paix, l'injustice et l'inégalité. Il décide de venir en France en 1983 afin d'étudier le jazz. C'est le début d'une carrière de saxophoniste. Il s'inscrit à l'AIMRA ! (Ecole de musique Jazz Lyonnais) et au Conservatoire National de Villeurbanne section Jazz. Installé à Paris, il continue à composer des chansons et donner des concerts.

Biography of Nono

Composer, singer and multi-instumentist music player, Nono Roland Rakotondrainibe plays sax, guitar and piano since he was a teenager. Born and raised in Madagascar, a country where music is everywhere and people do sing and play at any circumstance, Nono has been one of the country's pop stars in the 80/90s, surely the #1 among large cities' young people.

While enjoying this pop star status, Nono has never let apart his love, jazz music; he has carried on playing at local jazz clubs in Antananarivo (Madagascar) and later on in Lyon and Paris (France) which is his hometown nowadays.

Mid-90s, Nono decided not performing nor touring anymore with his pop/rock band for focusing definitively on jazz by playing only in jazz clubs and also by being a jazz professor at “Conservatoire de musique” of Lyon (the 2nd largest city in France).